Kalamazoo Search Engine Optimization Services Available Now
If you have a business in Kalamazoo, then you’re likely aware of how difficult it can be to get noticed by your customers. Even if you have the perfect product and spectacular service, any business will fail if it never gets a steady flow of customers. Here at Blue Fire Kalamazoo, we believe that every business owner deserves a fair shake on the free market, which is why we offer search engine optimization services to businesses all throughout the area.
Even so, web design can feel like a completely different world to those unfamiliar with it. For that reason, this month’s blog post will be a crash course in search engine optimization (SEO) and how we use SEO to get business like yours discovered.
Keyword Research
As experts in search engine optimization, the first thing we’ll do when you work with us is establish a list of keywords to target. We do this over the course of a few critical steps, which we’ll describe below.
Interview with You
The first step to developing an effective set of keywords that lead to conversions is meeting with you, the business owner, to better understand the services you offer and the audience you want to reach. Throughout our conversation, we’ll work together with you to select words and phrases that you feel best represent you and your business. Then, we’ll assemble a ‘first draft’ of keywords.
Search Engine Keyword Analysis
Once we all agree on keywords, our search engine optimizers will research them to discover which are best for directing traffic to your business. To measure this, we carefully weigh a variety of factors, though we especially look toward search volume and competition scores.
Search volume (as you might expect) is the amount of searches a keyword gets over the course of a month. By contrast, competition scores (again, as you might expect) represent the amount of other people trying to direct audiences to their site using that same keyword.
Presenting Your Options
After we’ve researched the keywords, we present our findings to you. When we do, we’ll review the advantages and disadvantages of using each keyword, leaving the ultimate decision of which keywords to target to you, the business owner.
Web Design and Blog Writing
Now that we have an understanding of the audience we want to reach and the keywords we want to use, we’ll work with you to design a website that makes the best use of them and, if you so choose, maintain a blog that maintains your ranking in Google. While we do want to communicate that search engine optimization is a complex field, keyword search engine optimization is essentially evergreen. When you work with us to develop an SEO strategy, we aim to maximize the returns on your search engine optimization in the long term.
Get Customers Coming to Your Business
Are you interested in web development and SEO services that will get your business noticed in the Kalamazoo area? If so, contact us at Blue Fire Media today. You and your business deserve a real shot at showing the world you can make a difference. When you work with us at Blue Fire Media, we aim to help give you that chance.