Why Responsive Design is Essential for Kalamazoo Businesses

In today’s digital age, getting your business, non-profit, or other organization found online can be incredibly difficult. Nowadays, consumers expect that local service providers have website they can use—in fact, for many younger folks, businesses that don’t have websites can come across as outdated or even suspicious.

That said, not just any website will do. These days, modern consumers highly prefer businesses that have well-designed, updated, and responsive websites; and they’ll prove that over and over again by voting with their wallets. Suffice it to say, having a great website can be essential to your business’s success. But with that in mind, you may be wondering: what exactly is responsive web design, and how can you get it for your business? Well, in this month’s blog post, we’re discussing why responsive web design is so essential for digital marketing success.

Responsive Design & Navigation

The foundation of any solid web design service is its responsiveness and navigability. Though you might not know it, roughly 60% of people visit websites on their phone, while about 35% of people visit websites from their computer or laptop. So, making a website that only caters to one or the other will miss out on a potentially massive audience. This presents a unique problem for web designers: how can you make a website that’s easy to navigate on both a phone and a computer? Well, that’s why good web developers use responsive design.

Responsive design is a type of web design that allows websites to change how they look based on a user’s screen size.

Why Not Just Make Two Versions of the Same Site?

So, you may be wondering why we don’t just make a mobile-friendly version of a website and a desktop-friendly version. After all, doesn’t responsive design take much more planning?

Well, responsive design is essential for one reason: screen sizes are always changing. Just think about how much the screen sizes of your phones have changed over time. Some phones fit in your pocket with room to spare, while some are so large they can only fit in a purse or handbag. The same is true desktops and tablets, too—there are just so many different devices these days that the only way to make sure everyone can navigate your site is with responsive web design. For that same reason, responsive design is one of the best ways to “future-proof” a website (at least as much as you can future proof online content).

Get Responsive Web Design for Your Business

Do you want to update your website, overhaul your digital marketing approach, or finally make the leap into the digital marketplace? If so, then our Kalamazoo web design professionals are here to help. For more information, click here to contact our team today!

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